Biblical Prayer for a Future Wife
How a Christian man can pray a Bible-based prayer for his future wife with…
Veritology: What is Truth?
This post is part 1 of a 12 part series about The Truth Project,…
Moral Relativism
Relativism defined, its offshoot moral relativism, and how it’s unlivable in the world God…
Transgenderism & the Bible
Gender dysphoria and transgenderism, how the Bible rejects gender fluidity and affirms manhood and…
Does Genesis Teach Evolution?
How theistic evolution fails to align with the plain reading of Genesis and the…
Why You Can Believe the Bible
A concise statement (with explanation) on why you can believe the Bible – special…
One Way to God
Why religious pluralism is unreasonable and what the Bible teaches about the exclusivity of…
Five Fatal Flaws With Biological Evolution
Demonstrating five reasons naturalistic, biological evolution didn’t happen. Overview Naturalistic, biological evolution didn’t happen.…
Three Takeaways from a 13-Month Theology Reading Group
Three lessons learned from three guys after completing a theology reading group with Wayne…